general in SeriouslyH's house

Share your creations!

I really liked sonic.exe pc port so I wanted to make this

oop there goes 2021

30 more minutes.

guys I’m doing something cool I’m gonna try to get out as many sprites as I can (best quality I can do) by 12 pm (my time)

happy 2 hours to new year because I’m not with all of the other cool people in a different time zone :(

ok so bobs onslaught X Hypnos lullaby when

(also little man will be missingno but I haven’t made concepts yet)

I gave it more time then I said but it’s time to answer the QNA!

(Note: I’m only answering questions that where put in the comment section of the spawnday post)

ok and

i currently have 99 subscribers on my YouTube account

if I get 100 I’m going to animate a video the first time in scratch.

the link to my channel is in my account

yoooo 20 followers to 200 let’s freaking goooo